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普外科是一门外科专业,专注于各种身体系统和器官的广泛疾病和病症的外科治疗. 该术语包括在医生办公室进行的常规手术,以及更复杂的计划或紧急手术. 我们的普通外科医生在治疗疾病方面非常熟练, disorders or trauma to the abdominal organs, breasts, skin, head, neck and vascular system.

Prior to surgery, be sure to review our Important Patient Instructions and Information (opens a PDF in a new tab).

General Surgery

Appendectomy: Open and Laparoscopic

Appendectomy is the removal of the appendix, 小肠位于右下腹部小肠和大肠交界处的一种细长的器官,长约四英寸. 如果发生阑尾炎(阑尾感染),就必须进行阑尾切除术. 这可以在全身麻醉下通过开放或腹腔镜手术来完成. 在开放手术中,通过下腹的切口切除整个阑尾. In laparoscopic surgery, 在下腹部做一个非常小的切口,插入腹腔镜(一根细管,末端有一个微型摄像机)和小型手术工具,然后用来切割和切除阑尾. 腹腔镜阑尾切除术通常会留下较小的疤痕, faster recovery times and a smaller chance of infection.

Cholecystectomy (Gallbladder Removal)

Cholecystectomy is removal of the gallbladder, a small pouch located just under the liver that stores bile. Today, 大多数胆囊切除术采用腹腔镜手术(外科医生通过在多个小切口放置微型摄像机和手术器械)而不是开放式手术(外科医生将一个大切口做大), open incision in which to work). The procedure is done under general anesthesia. Depending on individual circumstances, 它可以在门诊的基础上通过我们的流动护理部门或作为一个住院的程序.

Colectomy (Colon Resection)

结肠切除术,或结肠切除术,切除全部或部分结肠(大肠)。. This surgery is done under general anesthesia, 可以采用开放式手术(外科医生在其中切开一个大切口进行手术)或腹腔镜手术(外科医生在多个小切口中放置一个微型摄像机和手术器械)。.

Colon Re-anastomosis

结肠再吻合是结肠或大肠各部分的再连接. 如果大肠因外伤而受损,可以进行这种手术, 或作为结肠切除术中结肠造口术后的后续手术(见上文)。.

Hemorrhoidectomy (Hemorrhoid Removal)

痔疮切除术是切除痔疮的手术,痔疮是肛管中肿胀的静脉. The swollen vein is tied of to prevent bleeding, and then the hemorrhoid is removed using a scalpel, 烧灼工具或经肛门痔脱铁术(THD). THD是一种治疗痔疮的微创手术,这是一种新技术,疼痛更少,恢复更快. 手术是在全身麻醉或脊髓麻醉下完成的,通常是在我们的门诊病房进行的为期一天的手术.

Herniorrhaphy (Hernia Repair)

当一个器官或脂肪组织穿过周围肌肉或结缔组织的弱点时,就会发生疝气. It most commonly occurs with the intestines or upper stomach. 疝气有几种不同的类型,根据它们发生的位置进行分类. An inguinal hernia occurs in the inner groin, a femoral hernia in the outer groin, an umbilical hernia near the belly button, a hiatal hernia near the upper stomach, and an incisional hernia near the site of an incision. 矫正这种情况的手术包括将突出的器官或组织推回原位,然后修复发生疝的受损肌肉壁或结缔组织. 有时,突出的器官或组织会被绞窄, 这意味着器官疝出部分的血液供应被切断. 在这种情况下,外科医生也会切除器官的那一部分. This procedure is done under general anesthesia, 通常是通过我们的门诊进行为期一天的腹腔镜手术. 

Small Bowel Obstruction Repair

如果小肠(也称为小肠)出现堵塞,肠道内的内容物无法通过排出身体, surgery to remove the blockage is necessary. 这可以通过腹腔镜手术(外科医生在多个小切口中放置一个微型摄像机和手术器械)或开放式手术(外科医生在其中做一个大切口)来完成, open incision in which to work). 在堵塞被清除后,肠的任何受损部分被修复或移除. The procedure is done under general anesthesia.

Billing & Payment Information

Please note that billing for surgical procedures will be submitted to your insurance carrier by more than one party; the physician’s practice for surgical services, 戴国内买球的正规网站有哪些提供设施服务,北美麻醉合作伙伴(NAPA)提供麻醉服务(如适用). 请向您的保险公司查询您的具体保险范围, copays, deductibles and any prior authorization requirements. 如果您对Day Kimball医院的账单有疑问或需要帮助支付护理费用, please contact our team of financial counselors. See our billing page for more information.

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Location and Contact Information

Day Kimball Medical Group
General Surgery
Hillside Professional Building
346 Pomfret Street
Putnam, CT 06260
(860) 928-2552

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